
Your privacy is very important to us and we do not collect personal information from you when you visit our website without your prior consent.

Personal information

We collect personal information only when you specifically and knowingly give it to us.

Examples of this are when you send an email to us, or when you fill in an online form giving us your details. We only use the information that you give to us for the reasons stated at the time that you provide it. The only exception to this is where we have a legal obligation to share the information that you provide, or where there is provision in law to do so.

All information that you give to us is processed, actioned and stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

Collecting data

We collect data from our website to help us understand how people access it and what people are using it for. This also helps us to work out whether there have been any technical problems with the site. The information that we collect does not contain your personal information and we cannot link it with individual visitors.